We left the morning of Friday, November 7th to fly from MSP to San Jose, CA. It was Kate's first plane ride. The plane left a little late, but arrived almost on time. Kate did really well on the flight and she sat between my mom and I. She stayed in her sit with the seat belt on for take off and landing and didn't kick the seat in front of her much. We arrived at the SJC airport and headed over to car rental. While on the rental car bus, 2 women sitting next to my mom were talking about the young dad with one arm who was taking car of his daughter and how they felt sorry for him with only one arm. My mom decided to interrupt their conversation and say the young dad was her son-in-law and that he was one of the best guys she knows and how it's easy to forget he's only got one arm once you know him, etc.
We got the rental van and headed for Monterey (~1 hr drive). We didn't really do anything else after getting to my aunt and uncle's house. We just used the down time to get Kate settled and keep her out of a seat. My cousin and family (with 7 month old Bree) arrived later in the evening.
Saturday we got up and headed to Carmel...specifically Carmel Beach.
Joe and Kate with my cousin Erin
I think she enjoyed the beach!
Kate loved the beach and we almost had to drag her away. Saturday afternoon we (cousin Erin and her husband Sean, Joe and I) left Kate and Bree with the grandmas and went to see Madagascar 2. It was a nice time out and the movie was very good. Saturday evening brought dinner with my aunt and uncle, Erin, Sean, and Bree, step-cousin Jodi and her daughter Olivia (who loves Joe), and step-cousin Chip and his wife Pam. Kate had just woken from a nap when everyone arrived, so she wasn't her usual social self, but that quickly changed. Hugs and kisses for everyone a short time later.
Sunday was Fisherman's Wharf...specifically lunch and getting Kate's picture drawn. My favorite place at the Wharf is Abalonetti's. They have awesome calamari and it's not just fried rings and tentacles. The only annoying thing was Kate was wearing a bright pink sweatshirt and the waiter called her a "he". Hello! Just because Kate has short hair doesn't mean she's a boy. Getting Kate's picture drawn was another task of the day. The drawing is just a quick sketch profile. The drawings are a tradition going back to my first trip to Monterey in 3rd grade. We did them every time we went out there, although the last one with me is from Joe's first trip out with us while we were in college. My mom commented on how we've done the sketches in the past and she said she's been doing it at the wharf the last 23 years. I still haven't looked at my old ones, but there's a good chance she did them.
Monday morning brought a trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. I thought a Monday morning would be a great time to go (less crowded), but didn't take into account that Veteran's Day meant no school. Kate was in a mommy mood and wanted me to carry her the whole time. We had a nice time anyway.
Kate checking out the river otter.
Kate and I are a dark pair in the middle of the picture...but it's us!
Monday afternoon we headed north. Our destination: getting north of San Francisco. We drove until late and found a hotel to crash in. We didn't feel like setting up the play yard and thought we'd see how Kate did sleeping in a regular bed. She ended up sleeping between us. We'll leave at Joe and I not getting much sleep that night as Kate is a squirmy sleeper. Tuesday we got up and headed further north to arrive at the Avenue of the Giants (aka the coastal redwoods). Wow! These aren't just big trees...these are amazing, majestic, awe-inspiring, etc. It was raining most of the day, but we enjoyed the short walks anyway. We reached Founder's Grove while Kate was sleeping and Mom stayed in the car so Joe and I could walk the trail. We spend the night in Eureka and then headed back south. It was a sunnier day, so we stopped in Founder's Grove again so Mom could see it. She was as impressed as we were.
Dyerville Giant
We made it back to Monterey on Thursday. It was a great road trip (Kate did really well!), but it was nice not to be in a car. Thursday night Mom watched Kate while Joe and I got an evening out. We went down to Cannery Row to a restaurant called Paradiso Trattoria. Yumm! Artichoke appetizer. Yummy! Calamari steaks. Yum yum!!! The moon was out (full or near to). November is low season for tourism, so we walked into the restaurant about 6 and had our pick of tables by the windows (overlooking the water). After dinner, we drove along the ocean and stopped at some of the turnouts where we could just sit and watch the waves. It was a great evening that Joe and I really appreciated since we get so few nights out.
Friday we went to the Pacific Grove Monarch Sanctuary. I've never seen the monarchs flying about so much. It was a nice warm day, so that helped.
Saturday was our return home day. Kate did pretty well on the flight, but she was a bit more antsy and hard to keep entertained. Overall, the trip went really well, it was fun to show Kate one of our favorite vacation spots. It was also great to have my mom along to help.