06 March 2009

A Friday Morning Conversation with Kate

On the way to Brenda's this morning, Kate and I had the following brief conversation:

Kate: Butterflies!
Me: Butterflies? Where?
Kate: In the trees.
Me: Oh. (pause) What color are they? (we've been working on colors)
Kate: Brown.
Me: (after another pause and realization) I think you mean leaves. The leaves in the trees are still brown.
Kate: Yeah, leaves.

Got to love her. =)

04 March 2009

Deja Vu?

We went out for dinner with Pat and Brenda last night. Brenda wanted to get a picture of the two of us since we are getting close to due dates (2 weeks for me, 1 month for Brenda). Roughly 2 years ago, we did the same thing at her baby shower.

For giggles, here's the 2007 picture:

And here's last night's picture:

I think Brenda looks good while I look tired...I just want to be done!