March has been quite a month for us.
The Lion
It started off with my visit to urgent care with chest pain, feeling faint, and high blood pressure. EKG, chest x-ray, and a stress test showed my heart is fine. So, the only thing we could conclude was some odd events converging at once and maybe it was the flu which has been going around work.
Then we needed to find new day care. Thankfully I already had a few plans in place and it set up in less than a day. Talk about relief!
After that, a really fun surprise scheduled for a friend had to be canceled.
Then Joe was sick, then Kate, then Zach, and then me again. This wasn't just a couple days kind of thing. Joe was home from work for 5 days and even when he returned, co-workers asked why he was there since he sounded awful. We all still have some coughing, goopy eyes, and runny noses.
Add in performance review season at work and I'm so ready for April!
The Lamb
Vacation plans are starting to fall in place for our 10th anniversary in October. The week has changed and another couple may be going. A travel book for St. John has arrived and I'm ready to book flights. October may be 6 months away, but it'll be here before we know it!
3 days ago