Here's a new To-Do:
1) Do Sarah Palin's children go to public school and if so, does their school teach traditional or abstinence-only sex ed? I've been assuming that traditional ed is currently taught in schools, but people (including Palin) want it changed to abstinence-only. I've seen people's online/blog comments (here's an example) that Bristol is a good example of abstinence-only not working, but how do you know she didn't get a traditional education in school? If you know what kind of education she got, please share, but until then, let's not assume she's a good example of abstinence-only not working.
2) Not write a scathing and angry response or comment on Cribsheet. I read the Star Tribune's Cribsheet blog (not sure why some days). There have been a couple Sarah Palin blogs. People of course have comments and a lot of them have revolved around the pregnant daughter. I read comments about abortion or marriage but have yet to read one word about adoption! Hello people! What a great example of a teenager making an adult decision this would have been. I've since re-read comments and admit to an over-reaction. I won't write anything. Still wish adoption had been mentioned as an option though.
Side note: I'm not big into politics, but wish people wouldn't fly off the handle at comments, statements, or situations. Sometimes we get a little too emotionally wrapped up in candidates. I know there will never be a candidate with whom I totally agree, so I have to choose what's important to me and compromise on the rest.
3 days ago
1 comment:
I don't know if she went to public school or not. I guess I feel like it may not matter what they are taught in school or in their home. Kids are kids are kids. What works for one may not work for another.
Things happen and you end up with a situation you could never have imagined. I was grateful that abortion wasn't the option chosen but also wish more would be talked about adoption. I had a very negative reaction to the way they kept saying that they were keeping the baby and getting married like there was no other option. And the marriage part only seemed to be about the baby. Not that they have dated for a long time, we love him already like he is part of our family, he will be a great father and husband...
I also agree about the flying off the handle part although I am one that does tend to get wrapped up in "my" candidate. But I have a really hard time wtih speeches like last night (by Palin and many others) that had so many inaccuracies and in my opinions lies that were only meant to be a good tag line. I heard more negative about the "other" candidate than I did what Palin believes in and is striving for. I found many articles this morning laying out all the inaccuracies/lies better than I could.
This whole political season is just very interesting. :)
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