26 February 2009

After picking my jaw up off the floor...

Check out this article link!

Absolutely incredible that parents would complain. It's completely fair to say I've got a different viewpoint, but I've NEVER seen kids be frightened by Joe. In the article, the women shares some of her comments about kids' reactions and it is right in line with Joe's experiences. Kids are curious and not afraid to ask, which is actually pretty cool.

Wow, I'm just dumbfounded...and yes, the parents are the problem here.

23 February 2009

Signs of tiredness?

I was out from work a couple days last week due to Kate being sick. While entering time-off into our time entry system this morning, I opened the "current pay period", looked at the date and thought there must be some glitch in the system. More specifically, I thought "We're not in the 2/14/2009 - 2/27/2009 pay period. It's only January!". After sitting a few minutes, I realized that it was the correct pay period.

Think I'm a little tired? Why would you care? Are we there yet?

3 weeks and counting...

09 February 2009

The Cuteness Known as Kate

While taking a bath last night, Kate placed two rubber ducks on the edge of the bathtub. The next thing we know, she's talking to the ducks. She starts off with a wave and "hi". Then the conversation continues: "How are you doing? How was the fire?" (FYI, one of the ducks is a fire duck with helmet and a fire hose). The conversation continued another minute or two. Joe and I were trying not to laugh too hard so she didn't get distracted and stop.

Might have needed to be there to appreciate the cuteness of it, but if you can picture her sweet little "hi" and the wave, you'll be close enough.

02 February 2009

What can you say?

January has been a long month for us. I've been sick, Joe's been sick, I was sick again, then Kate was sick. Add in cold weather, and I'm so glad it's February. However, it's still Monday and I've been feeling a little down anyway.

Then, a friend at work stopped by. She seemed to have something on her mind but was trying to figure out how to start talking about it. And then she said she and her husband are separating which she's sure means divorce. Whoa! She's talked about having trouble in the past and they were trying to work through the issues. She really wanted to get things working again.

Joe and I haven't had friends go through a divorce. I feel so bad for her and want to help, but I'm feeling at a loss as to what to say, etc. So for now, I'm just there to listen. I'll take suggestions on other things I could do to help though.

I wanted to give her a hug, but she was pretty sure she'd start crying. I'm hoping the sentiment was enough.