27 September 2009

Oh the things a toddler says...

A couple conversations with Kate have gone as follows:

#1 a few weeks ago...
Kate: Zach's a boy.
Me: Yep.
K: Daddy's a boy.
M: Yep. And what is Kate?
K: Kate's a cutie!
(Insert lots of laughter)

#2 over the last weekend...
Kate: I want to go to Iowa. Not Izzy's Iowa. The other Iowa.
Joe: You mean Grandma Hagen's?
Kate: Yeah, the Grandma Hagen's. The other Iowa.
(for reference, Izzy's Iowa is referring to the Green grandparents)

1 comment:

Tina said...

Love this! And love that you have a record of the cute and silly things she says! Ha!