Sitting on our fireplace mantle are six framed photographs. There is one of our niece, one of our nephew, one of Kate, two of Zach (had to keep his newborn picture on display), and one of Joe and I with our friend Anna. All the photos are current except the one with Anna. That particular photo is almost four years old but I can't seem to take it down.
While on maternity leave this spring, I would find myself looking at the photos while feeding Zach or when he was asleep in my arms. All of the photos have special people, but the photo with Anna is more than just a picture of a special person. The photo itself was a perfect gift to receive that Christmas 2005. It was taken a few weeks before Christmas at Joe's brother's wedding. Joe was the best man and I was a bridesmaid. Anna was almost 2 years old and I remember her not quite recognizing us initially due to our wedding attire.
So what made that photo a perfect gift? The timing and simplicity of it. Joe and I were about to start IVF and it had already been a long 2+ years of trying to expand our family beyond the two of us. Anna filled that void a little bit. Her happiness and excitement to see us when we'd visit always melted our hearts and I see that happiness in the photo. She's more like family and so the photo has remained with the other photos.
When looking at the photos on the mantle, I sometimes feel I see a journey that starts with that Anna photo. I see Kate's picture, our little miracle baby who surprised us after we moved on to adoption. Then Zach, who was just as much of a surprise as Kate. Add the pictures of our niece and nephew who are each days apart in age with Kate and Zach and we have an amazing family story.
The journey across the mantle says to me that there was a plan and we just had to be patient.
I should get an updated photo with Anna, one that has Anna, Kate, and Zach all together; but for now, the Anna photo stays. It helps remind me of our journey and each day I'm thankful for our two miracles and look forward to the fun times and frustrating times, the little moments and the monumental ones.
3 days ago
1 comment:
Oh Sarah. I don't even know what to say. That was beautifully written and very touching.
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